There is nothing better than taking fresh garden peppers and frying them up with some eggs. Then, get some fresh Italian bread and make the perfect sandwich.
This was a family favorite when I was growing up. My dad would pick the fresh peppers from the garden, and my mother would fry them with eggs.
We would get fresh Italian bread from the local bakery and make these delicious pepper and egg sandwiches.
If you don't have a garden that's okay, because this time of year most grocery stores will carry produce from local farmers.
What kind of peppers should you use to make fried peppers and eggs? I like to use these sweet banana peppers. These peppers are also great for stuffing with bread or meat stuffing. I prefer the bread stuffing.
How to make Fried Peppers and Eggs:
Wash, slice, and seed the peppers, you can leave them in slices or cube them. In a medium fry pan add some olive and one minced clove of garlic. Add the peppers, cover, and cook over medium heat until they are tender or to your liking.
In a separate bowl beat one or two large eggs. Add the eggs to the cooked peppers and mix until the eggs are cooked. Add some salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning to taste and enjoy.
If you want to spice up your fried peppers and eggs a little try adding a couple of hot peppers.
I always like using my cast iron skillet and Lodge Cast Iron is my go-to skillet.